Wednesday, April 8, 2009

WOD 090407 - JOSH

21 Overhead Squats (OHS) @ 65lbs
42 Pull-ups
15 OHS
30 Pull-ups
18 Pull-ups


It was such a nice day that I stopped and ran on the Greenbelt for 20 minutes before heading into the gym. I get there are the warm-up is 2 rounds of: 200m run, 20 squats, 200m run, 20 sit-ups. Needless to say I was plenty warmed up by the time I was ready to hit my actual workout.

The workout went good today. It really pushed me, which was good. My arms wanted to give out a few times and were Jell-o by the end. I really need to start practicing my kipping pull-ups outside of WOD's though so I can do more than 1 or 2 at a time.

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