Wednesday, April 8, 2009

WOD 090407 - JOSH

21 Overhead Squats (OHS) @ 65lbs
42 Pull-ups
15 OHS
30 Pull-ups
18 Pull-ups


It was such a nice day that I stopped and ran on the Greenbelt for 20 minutes before heading into the gym. I get there are the warm-up is 2 rounds of: 200m run, 20 squats, 200m run, 20 sit-ups. Needless to say I was plenty warmed up by the time I was ready to hit my actual workout.

The workout went good today. It really pushed me, which was good. My arms wanted to give out a few times and were Jell-o by the end. I really need to start practicing my kipping pull-ups outside of WOD's though so I can do more than 1 or 2 at a time.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Tuesday 3/31

Crossfit Chipper
25 Walking Lunges
20 Pull-ups
50 Box Jumps, 20" high
20 Double Unders
25 Dips
20 Knees To Elbows
30 KB Swings (30lbs)
20 DB Hang Squat Cleans (25lbs in each hand)
30 Sit-ups
25 Back Extensions
30 WB Shots (13lbs)
800 meter run


Definetly not the fastest one in the group today but I felt SO good afterwards. First, let's talk about improvements. I can bang out the pull-ups, even if it is 1 or 2 at a time. I did box jumps at 20" high for all 50! Hello, do you know how short I am? That's the highest I have done in a workout. I was the only one in class to do double unders. I did 10 of the dips on the bars! My knees touched my elbows for the first time doing K2E's! Improvement, improvement, improvement!

Monday 3/30/09

So, it's been awhile since I've posted but I'm really going to try to keep this blog more up to date. And some big news is that I will hit my 1 year Crossfit Anniversary on Saturday. More on that to follow this weekend.

Run 2 miles


Today I worked only on running. I am really trying to build up my endurance and distance so that 5k's wil be no problem. For now I am focusing on running a 10 minute mile. Today Jason, a friend at the gym, had me run the 2 miles alternaing between .25 meters at a 9min mile pace and then .25 meters at a 10:30 mile pace. I did pretty good and was only 15 seconds off the mark. I did stop and hopped off the treadmill 3 times though, I just get out of breath and my legs start hurting and then the mind takes over. The last 1/4 mile was great though. Jason came over and encouraged/cheered me on and that really kept me going. Then for the last 1/10 of a mile he made me give him everything I had (which I thought was nothing). I turned that treadmill up to 7mph and gave it to him. Now to just keep at it.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Tuesday's WOD

Complete four rounds for time:
Run 400 meters
15 Handstand Push-ups
15 ft Rope Climb, 2 ascents

Obviously I had to scale and substitute a little on this WOD. I am looking forward to the day I cna do all workouts, as Rx'd. Until then I continue to modify. Today I sub'd military style push-ups for the handstand ones and did 30 pull-ups for the 2 rope climbs. The result:


Note bad. I my hands were pretty ripped up and my arms feel like jell-o. One thing I was happy with was the fact that I did ALL 60 push-ups military style!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009


Currently, I have been working on finding what my 1 Rep Max (1RM) is for several olympic weightlifting moves. In order to compete someday I need to be able to lift more than I can now and get up and beyond the female prescribed weights. My trainer, Ryan, and I are in the proccess of developing a new strength program that is going to help me get to these goals.

Yesterday was deadlifts. Before this my 1RM was 135lbs. Since that time I have actually done several Workout of the Days (WODs) with this weight. I knew I could go heavier and so I warmed up with this weight and progressed from there. I had 5 chances and added weight each time. My 5th round I was at 195 and thought I could go a little more, so I added one more chance. I gathered a witness and then did it, 200 lbs! That's right, I deadlifted 200 lbs!

It wasn't until a few hours later when I was talking to Ryan that I realized I deadlifted more than my bodyweight. His response was "Well, duh." I guess it is sometimes hard to forget that I am not THAT person anymore. It is also important to stop and reflect once in awhile at just how far I have come since April. I remember doing push-presses with 25lbs and thinking I was doing to die because of how heavy it was and now look at me! But I also need to take these accomplishments and motivate myself to go even farther. Ryan also told me, "don't get content. Push your body and mind to be better nad break new molds!"


So, perhaps I should actually update this blog. So much has happened since September I would hardly know where to start. I am still working out hard and absolutely love Crossfit. I have even set it as a goal to compete in a competition this year, and hopefully compete in the Games Qualifyer for 2010. Currently I am a substitute trainer while Ryan is on vacation and I also plan to attend my Level 1 Certification seminar this year, and maybe the running cert as well.

Personal progress wise I am doing great. I have lost over 50 lbs so far and am setting new PR's and beating times almost every workout. I still have a lot more I want to achieve, better times I want to beat and heavier weights I want to lift, but they are coming! Oh, I also got my first pull-up!